New York Hypnosis For WEIGHT LOSS

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Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in New York

Lose Weight, Lose Inches with hypnosis ...
Take bac
k control of your life

Weight Loss Hypnosis can help you lose weight safely,
easily, effectively and permanently

On TONI TIME on Channel 11 News In New York City

212 964 4450



Can you see yourself going into your favorite clothes shop and
picking out clothes that are several sizes smaller than you usually take?

Can you see yourself at your favorite restaurant, and they bring over the
dessert wagon and you say "No thanks!". How does it feel?

Can you see yourself exercising and enjoying nutritious foods and healthy
salads instead of Hagen Daz, Ben and Jerry's, carb-laden breads
and flour products ... and best of all you're enjoying it?

After years of struggling with your weight problems, one day you look in the mirror and you see a different person on the outside, and as that thought comes into your mind, you think of the many ways your life will be different as you move through your world .... more confident.

Weight loss through hypnosis is more than just weight loss, it's finally taking control of you life. You taking control over food and not allowing food to take control over you.

The New York Weight loss hypnosis system developed utilizing cutting-edge hypnosis techniques as well as the latest developments in brain and mind research is being personally used by all of our staff in their own lives, and is by far the fastest, easiest, and most importantly, permanent lasting way to lose weight, to melt those extra inches by giving you the mental advantage, the mind-set of a naturally thin person.

Weight loss hypnosis is one of the most popular issues
we deal with here

at the world-reknown New York Hypnosis Center in New York City.
Most of our clients are referred to us by happy relatives and caring friends.

For example, one of the more typical phone calls we receive is,
"I've watched one of my co-workers over the years, but in the past few months, she looks phenomenal. She shed extra pounds. When she walks through the office, she just has this vibrancy. This aliveness, a buoyant attitude.... I know she's been dieting for years but this is the first time EVERYONE has taken NOTICE. She just revealed to me that her secret was all in learning to control the power of her mind .. utilizing and harnessing it's natural ability, through hypnosis and going through the hypnosis center's program was where she discovered how to harness her amazing, inner power of self control.


The reason most people fail at dieting or exercise is because they try and use a skillset of the conscious, analytical mind called willpower. Willpower is a great resource for short term (very short term) results and that's exactly what it is meat to do.
One may say to themselves, "I'm going to sum up all of my willpower and stay on this diet." But what happens... somehow all their good efforts are sabotaged.

Why? There's a stronger part of their mind -- know as the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. And having all the good intentions of staying and following their weight loss regimen ... a thought automatically and spontaneously pops in their head ... and you know what that thought will be for you ... and for some, it could be that remaining cheesecake sitting on the refrigerator shelf ... and you can even imagine that sweet taste in your mouth... those Oreo's in the closet ..that satisfying feeling and you dunk them in milk and that pleasurable feeling just fills your mouth ..... or the 1 gallon container of ice cream in the freezer .... and then ... you KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. You picture that dessert .. in your mind .. bigger .. brighter ..more colorful .... even the taste ... the temperature .... and them you imagine how pleasurable it is.. so much so .... you'll find yourself SPONTANEOUSLY salivating ... and as you think of that now ... it's like your body has been automatically sucked into that behavior and the before you know it're getting that sinking feeling and realizing how bad you feel at having eaten all those unwanted, cellulite-producing calories.

Willpower is a product of the weaker,conscious mind. We like to deceive ourselves and believe the conscious mind is in control, when really our subconscious mind, the vast storehouse of all our experiences, desires, dreams, emotions and habits, this is the part of our mind that is really driving our behavior.

That's the secret why hypnosis works and why willpower doesn't work. In hypnosis we work with the area of the mind that's directly responsible for all the behaviors in your life.

In your individual session, as we give you personalized attention and coach you into you entering a relaxed state of consciousness, We allow your powerful, inner mind to substitute, make real and reinforce, those new, positive and beneficial behaviors while removing, dissapating, dissoving some of the behaviors that have controlled you and sabotaged your efforts in the past.

Weight Loss Hypnosis makes it natural and automatic for you to choose, new, positive and empowering healthy behaviors and eating!

Dieting and exercise alone is too simplistic a plan, and even if you give yourself a goal, when you reach it ... say, a friend's wedding, since you put limits on it, your subconscious says, "Yippee ... I've reached that weight. Now lets party. And the next thing you know, your pantry closet turns into an open, unlimited buffet table.When you use weight loss hypnosis, we teach you how to listen to your emotions, those distracting behaviors, so that you learn to control your emotions, rather than your emotions controlling you by turning to food..

In addition to the weight loss hypnosis, you will receive our powerful and dynamic conditioning CDs, ABSOLUTELY FREE - easily worth triple as much as your sessions,so that you can continue to reinforce continued success for the rest of your life and continue to make improvements in other areas of your life. At the Hypnosis Center ... YOU and YOU ACHIEVING THE RESULTS are our number one priority.

One of the amazing benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy is that many have come in just for weight loss and realized, it is more than just weight loss. It is YOU taking control of your life. Clients report that other areas in their life, easily, automatically and spontaneously clear up in their lives. You personally may realize many other benefits... such as many report becoming calmer with others, being more confident in social situations, being able to take initiative and just a sense of wellbeing and having more control in their live. Beside the obvious areas where hypnosis has been used in reducing stress, eliminating bad habits, and other areas as you can imagine as you think about it now..

Dateline NBC TV, the news magazine television show, recently did a special investigation and report about the various "fad diets" such as Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, and then compared the results to someone working with a hypnotherapist for weight loss hypnosis.

Needless to say, the person utilizing weight loss hypnosis not only lost more weight than the others, but felt great about doing so, because they didn’t suffer from any side effects or feel deprived unlike every diet by definition. Matter of fact, what they didn't report on right away, was that one of the participants involved in the program who achieved amazing results, they were also seeing a hypnotist.

Weight loss hypnosis, by getting your internal beliefs congruent with your goals, is simply the best way to lose weight to keep it off for good, simply and easily.

This enlightening report by Dateline enlightened and caused a new awareness on the public on how powerful the mind is when embarking on a weight loss program as their are literally thousands of diets out there, they all work if followed .... but what happens ... if we don't feel we deserve the results, if our inner mental picture doesn't agree with our beliefs, we end up sabotaging ourselves. Dateline demonstrated how a person utilizing hypnosis for weight loss allowed them to be completely and totally in control of themselves and their behaviors.

Weight Loss Hypnosis Changes Lives, But Only With The Right Hypnotherapist...

Here at our Hypnosis Center in New York, we take a very unique approach to weight loss hypnosis.

Our approach to weight loss hypnosis differs from most other hypnotherapists with our use of “Humanistic Hypnotherapy, a specialized approach to weight loss hypnosis developed through a compilation of techniques developed by legends in the hypnosis arena and in brain, body and mind research. This includes master hypnotists and educators such as Gil Boyne, Gerald Kein and Mark Cunningham.

Unfortunately, many hypnotherapists are well intentioned, but they lack the in-depth training on how to remove the self-sabotaging root cause of the problem using weight loss hypnosis; in the case of weight loss, the cause of uncontrolled overeating and the lack of desire for exercise.

Imagine a metaphor: when one tends a garden, if one pulls a weed without pulling its roots out, as well, then the weed will grow right back within time.

So even though weight loss hypnosis is the best way to lose weight, and most hypnotists have the best of intentions, earlier training (the old school of hypnosis which is still very prevalent in the industry), that training which is the only techniques these hypnotists are familiar with but doesn't follow the trends of tried and true, result-orientated hypnotherapy, well, sad to say, the wrong hypnotist will provide meager to average results.

Most hypnotists will give a client suggestions for eating less, or for exercising more, but without removing the root cause of the problem, then "weeds" grow right back again, and the client is left feeling frustrated.

With our leading weight loss hypnosis system, the Hypnosis Center, you can assured of achieving your weight loss hypnosis goals. Call to receive your free telephone consultation to answer any remaining questions about weight loss hypnosis ---

212 - 964-4450

Our unique approach puts our success rate light years ahead of most other hypnotists. So much so, we had such a demand to teach our techniques to doctors, counselors and other hypnotherapists as well as several national weight loss franchises (to be a supplement and leading factor to success in their weight loss programs, we put together one of the most powerful training programs on the market, and an organization ensuring compentant training called the SOCIETY OF APPLIED HYPNOSIS. Often, our weight loss hypnosis clients effortlessly lose anywhere from 3-8 pounds the first week although in some it may not be so much in weight as it will be in inches as they're exercising, they're slimmer, but they're developing an underlying layer of muscle, of toned muscularture. On most of the latest, greatest, new fad diets, yes they lost weight, usually water weight and it was a struggle with appetite supression.

Each session after that gets even more powerful results. Most weight loss hypnosis programs are completed within 3-5 sessions. You can read about some of our success stories and other testimonials on our testimonial page.

Please take the time to look around.Our site is comprehensive. We train the world's leading hypnotists. John Petrocelli, the director of the Hypnosis Center is also the president and executive director of the SOCIETY OF APPLIED HYPNOSIS (the leading hypnosis 'performance-orientated' hypnosis training in the world) as well as SLEEPWALKERs FREE HYPNOSIS STUDY INTENSIVE (a worldwide group dedicated to putting these techniques of self mind control into the hands of millions of users for their own self-improvement). and gather all the free information we provide here about hypnosis. Our mission is to educate the general public about this wonderful modality that has been used by millions to empower themselves and change their lives.


Call our office and our friendly hypnotists will speak to you more.
Be aware, that many hypnotists in our field will charge you $75-150.
to come in for this free consultation

Your Consultation FREE when you pick up the phone and call now.

212 964-4450.

Find out how our total approach to weight loss will work for you..


For questions regarding weight loss hypnosis and our services,
don't hesitate,

A live hypnotist picks up the phone
from 11 AM till 6 PM Monday thru Friday) ...

and if perchance we are all busy as our center often is, we'll reach
you at your earliest possible convenience.. Contact us at

212 964-4450



DOWNLOAD: The Hypnotic Weight Loss Keys To being Slim, Trim and Sexy

Learn to integrate the three keys that will maximize your weight loss results.
Learn new eating behaviors, strengthen your belief in your goal and build a
positive mental attitude. (TT001) ..................................................... $19.95

Use NYC hypnotherapy to stop smoking, hundreds have quit smoking by hypnosis at the NYC Hypnosis in our New York City Center, hypnosis and smoking new york, quit smoking nyc, Use hypnosis stop smoking nyc, and you will accomplish your goals. Quit smoking hypnosis. Quit smoking hypnosis. Click here to learn how hypnotherapy to stop smoking works, explained by an expert hypnotherapist. Thousands have used quit smoking hypnosis to accomplish their goals. Learn how you can use hypnotherapy to stop smoking forever, without gaining weight! Smoking Hypnosis in New York, The most advanced New York smoking hypnosis and New York smoking hypnotherapy technices

Hypnosis has been used for:
Stop Smoking | For Weight Loss |To Eliminate Stress
Treat Depression | Rid Yourself of Anxieties |
Panic Disorder | Phobias | Pain Control
Sports Improvement | Help Children
Enjoy Your Sexuality and More

Eliminate Drugs & Alcohol
Medical Hypnosis
Plus Much More

By Appointment Only
Please call for more information!
212 964 - 4450

The New York Center of Hypnosis utilizes cutting edge,
results-orientated hypnosis


Trancecoach NYC

The Hypnosis Center Staff
John Petrocelli, Marc Carlin, Michael Hurley, Kevin O'Kane, Bill Lukas, Shauntay Williams

Hypnosis Links

John Petrocelli has appeared on tv, radio (WB11, WABC, the Gary Null Radio Show), has been featured in numerous articles appearing in the NY area, The N.Y. Sun, The Downtown Express, and is known for RESULTS,

JP is currently one of the most well-known and respected hypnotists/ hypnotherapists/ trainers in the U.S.

Founder of both Somnambulistic Sleepwalkers, the largest hypnosis 'hands-on' hypnosis
and related modalities study intensive in the world and The Society of Applied Hypnosis - clearly the world's most dynamic, result driven, intensive hypnosis training., Johnand his proteges seemingly miraculous work is responsible for much of the
well-received media exposure hypnosis has received in the last few years.

Specializing in Weight Loss and Smoking cessation issues..

As seen on WB11, WABC, Gary Null, the New York Sun Newspaper.


- Director of the Internationally acclaimed Hypnosis Center

- Founder and Executive Director of the Society of Applied Hypnosis
(cutting edge brain and mind development and the world's best, performance-orientated,
hypnosis training.

- Founder of the worldwid 'Sleepwalkers Free Hypnosis Study Clinics and Intensives' - dedicatedto the free dissemination a practice of self mind techniques for self awareness and an improved quality of life.

John Petrocelli's Trainings/Certifications & Affiliations

Society of Applied Hypnosis - Director of International Training

- The Society of NLP - Master Practioner
- The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. A.C.H.E. - Clinical Hypnotherapist,
- The Society of Applied Hypnosis, Inc - Certified Clinical Hypnotist
- The National Guild of Hypnotists - Certified Hypnotist,
- Certified 5-PATH Hypnotherapist -The Banyan Hypnosis Center - Clinical Hypntherapist
-The NY Hypnosis Institute - (Barry Seedman, Phd) - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
-The Achievment Center - (George Bien, Phd) - Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Doug O'Brien & Associates -Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
- Specialized Training - Trucor (Mark Cunningham)
-The Silva Method - Certified Silva2000 Lecture
-NLP Master Practitioner - Society of Applied NLP